  • Anna Shirt

  • Sloane Crewneck

  • Who Made your Clothes: Meet Dadang

    Who Made your Clothes: Meet Dadang

    Manufacturing Stories: Meet Dadang

    We think it is important to feature exactly who made the clothes you wear, so we all remember that everything we touch has a story and a beginning.  Here, we feature a few of our slow fashion artisans in Bali in our ongoing series. Next up, meet Dadang!


    Question: What is your name?

    Question: What is your occupation (are you a beader, knitter, etc.)?
    I have a knitting workshop for handknitting with old fashion machines. These machines don't exist anymore, and we use a traditional technique that is not used a lot anymore.

    Dadang hand knitting maching

    Question: How long have you been working in the industry?
    Since 1998.  I started when I was 17 years old

    Question: What do you enjoy about your job?
    It’s a technique that has died out and is dying out, so I'm really proud to continue to do this traditional work.

    Question: What do you do for fun when you’re not working?
    I have 2 kids, 10 and 4 months. When I get home from work, I take care of my family and love to play with my kids!

      Question: Where did you learn your skill set?
      My father taught me. My family is originally from Bandung in Java, Indonesia. The machines we use were brought from Bandung to our knitting workshop in Bali.

      Learn more about our approach to manufacturing here at Paneros and be on the lookout for more features so you can meet more of who made your clothes!


      Like what you see? Check out our Kaia Shirt

      Learn more about our approach to manufacturing here at Paneros and be on the lookout for more features so you can meet more of who made your clothes! In case you missed it, also meet GedeSara, Ardana, and all the others in our Journal.