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  • Sloane Crewneck

  • New Year, 2022 Intentions

    New Year, 2022 Intentions

    Wishing you all a very happy new year!

    I wanted to kick off our first blog post this year discussing intentions and manifesting. Every year Eric and I love to write down our intentions, what we want to manifest for the new year, and we look back at all that we’ve accomplished in the year prior. Not only is it great to reflect and see how far you've come, but it’s exciting to think about what you want to accomplish for the current year in all aspects of your life.

    I love following Jen Atkin’s template which asks the question, “What would I do, be, and have if there was no way to fail?” Breaking down this question into 6th months and 12 months makes it less daunting and more focused. I also write down 4-5 intentions for my personal life, my health, my career, my home, and my spirituality. This is one of my favorite ways to break down what I want to manifest for this year and to really focus on each category. I also love coming up with a keyword for each category that I feel embodies the overall theme for that part of my life.

    Some of our intentions for this year include meditating, reading more books, moving our body, spending time in nature, resting, practicing gratitude, journaling, and being kind to ourselves.

    If you’ve never meditated before, or have tried in the past and found that it wasn’t as easy as it’s made out to be, you’re not alone. Meditating and clearing your mind can be difficult. I’ve found that guided meditation is more suitable for my needs. I truly love guided meditation because the background music is soothing, I don’t feel the pressure of having to completely clear my mind, and it is a relaxing time for myself that I can practice anytime, anywhere. A guided meditation not only focuses on your breathing and slowing down, but can prompt visualizations, and inspiring thoughts. I highly suggest trying out a guided meditation to start your day, even just a 5 minute one.

    Spending time in nature
    Have you ever noticed how you feel after you’ve spent some time in nature? Whether it be a walk on the beach, a walk in your neighborhood, a hike, or lunch in the park, every time I spend some time outside in nature, I always feel more grounded, energized, peaceful, and am overall a happier person. While we are still working from home often, sometimes it’s easy to stay inside all day so this year, we are setting an intention to spend more time in nature to reap all of the benefits it can give.

    Practicing gratitude
    This is not always easy, but it is so important to think about at least three things that you are grateful for each day. It can be as simple as your morning latte, that the sun came out, your pet. Practicing gratitude each day helps me put things in perspective and to realize how many things in my life I might have taken for granted.

    Being kind to ourselves
    Like the rest of our intentions for 2022, this is an ongoing one. It is so important to be kind to yourself, to speak to yourself in a gentle and positive way. Being kind to yourself promotes happiness and confidence. One way to practice this is to have a list of affirmations that you speak to yourself on a daily basis, this can be done out loud or in your head. Another way to practice being kind to yourself is to write down 3 things you love about yourself each day. 

    Let’s make this a great year together!
